Its commonplace for organizations to establish Core Values. Typically you see them prominently placed on a website, within a mission statement or on promotional material. Once the purpose is defined as to why the organization was formed, the next step is to determine what it stands for. The Core Values establish the internal belief system that should be firm and consistent. Sometimes you see the Core Values changed or redefined because of leadership changes, expansion or to adapt to changes in society. The danger in changing Core Values is that it could confuse the identity of the organization and cause a shifting of purpose. The change may be necessary and must be executed as if the organization is starting from scratch. It’s not enough to have Core Values, they must be implemented in the fabric of the organization from leadership through the team members and identified by the customers.
The critical leadership keys to implement your Core Values:
Hire to the Core Values
Train to the Core Values
Model the Core Values
Manage to the Core Values
Our Services to you:
Work with leadership to evaluate the status of the Core Values within the fabric of the organization and redefine if necessary
Evaluate current hiring and training of team members
Establish the measurable within the organization that will consistently provide a barometer of performance
The Benefits:
A healthy culture
Longterm team members
Happy customers who return
Increased PROFIT